Friday, May 22, 2009

Pam & Cat Do Turbo Episode: 2 million

Mt. Everest Turbo Climb

Yesterday Pamela & I had a fun workout together and I’d thought I’d share our journey! We haven’t Turboed together in quite awhile, well actually we did Kickin’ Core the night before around 11pm but before that it was a longgg time. I got to Pamela’s house and she wrote out our workout on the dry erase board and then our adventure started…

The Game Plan:

20 minute Turbo Workout
20 minute Run
5 minute cool down walk
10 minute lifting with the bands
Extreme Abs

The 20 minute video was fun start, we rode that party train and then ran outside right when we finished. It was 85 degrees out and I was burning up! But Pamela kept talking to me through it so I lasted. She even said, “If Chalene told you to push harder, would you?” Of course, so I pushed harder. Lol

When we got back to her house we did endurance with the toning bands, I tried to remember the routines from PK & J and 3T. We looked like Turbo Puppets :)

Next it was time for Extreme Abs which is a killer, I love that AB routine!! Then we cool downed and stretched to Recharge, which I admit I don’t do often enough. It was a lot of fun, a good mix of both Turbo & ChaLEAN Extreme and of course it's great to workout with a friend! :)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for following me! I've been following you for a little while now, and I have to tell you that I LOVE your blog! Your posts are always so inspirational, and I can tell you're an incredibly fun person from the pictures you post. Keep rocking it!!

    Oh, and I think the whiteboard idea is fantastic!
