Thursday, December 31, 2009

It's that time of the year again!

With the hours ticking away, now is the time when many people are making their New Year’s Resolutions. People are frantically thinking about creating a fresh start for themselves. However, year after year they continue to make the same resolutions without ever achieving any success.

When you think about the most common resolutions, what comes to mind? Losing weight/getting fit, saving money and stopping a bad habit; I can make a bet that a majority of people have at least one, if not all, of those resolutions on their mighty lists.

That same majority of people look at their wish lists all wrong, no wonder they can’t accomplish anything. If you want to achieve all of these things you are going to have to change your lifestyle but not just for a limited amount of time, you are going to have to make changes forever, don't worry they aren't huge changes, just simple small steps.

To get started, you will need to plan ahead! Many people skip this very important step. How can you get something done if you don’t have a plan of action? So create one! Take out a pen and piece of paper, yes those gadgets you used before Microsoft Word, and write down each one of your goals and at least three steps you can do every single day to get you closer to achieving that goal.

Now put in the work! It’s not going to be easy, but if you can commit, you will succeed. (Sound familiar fellow Beachbody fans- Decide. Commit. Succeed) If you want to lose weight you are going to have to plan to workout, whether at home with a DVD program, at the gym or by taking group exercise classes, or all three! You are also going to want to make small changes in your diet as well, start off by counting calories and not eating processed foods.

You want to save money? Plan ahead how much of your checks will go into your savings account each month or week. Simply putting away $50 a month will end up saving you $600 in a year. Try for a week to keep track of where your money is going. Do you notice any patterns? If your money is headed in the wrong directions, say buying a latte every morning, cut out those purchases and that will save you too! If you are buying a $4 iced coffee each morning at the end of the week you just wasted $28, money that could easily be used to help you pay off those student loans.

So as you are writing out your New Year’s Resolutions this year don’t just stop after the list is complete, add on your plan of action so that those resolutions will no longer be merely dreams and wishes but become part of your reality!

So what are a couple of my goals?
1- To become a 2 Star Diamond Coach
2- To graduate on the Dean's List in May
3- To learn Italian
4- To pay off my loans
5- Complete a round of Insanity

Plan of Action:
1- Read at least 1 personal development book a month
2- Listen to 15 minutes a day of Italian audio & learn 5 new words a day
3- Get a 4.0 this semester
4- Set aside $150 a month to pay off loans

If you'd like to share your goals with me, please feel free too! I would love to help coach you and keep you on track! :)

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