Sunday, July 12, 2009

I Eat 33,000 Calories a Day!

So week 2 of ChaLEAN Extreme is coming to an end and I must say I ROCKED the workouts!! Okay I’m never (almost never) a whimp when it comes to the workouts so the big question is... how was my eating?? I had great meals through the day from breakfast to dinner but then….later in the evening after dinner I’ll crave something sweet! So one night it was a Blueberry lemon square the other night it was Hershey pie from BK and another it was an iced capp from Tim Horton’s. WHAT THE HECK!!! I’ve never really had a week like this before, almost each night there was some kind of sweet snack.

I think I’m going to go back to the “Challenge” rules when I was allowed one cheat meal a week. Maybe with my thinking along those lines, instead of the normal “you can’t have that stuff at all”, I’ll do better. Putting restrictions on the sweets makes me want it more than just knowing that I can have it once a week.

My trainer is going to kick my butt tomorrow when she sees my “Weekly Diet Tracking” sheet. Right now she has me on a no bread or processed food plan, so far I’ve had no bread!

Tonight I came home from work and TLC’s “I Eat 33,000 Calories a Day” program was on. It definitely made me a bit grossed out watching that much food consumed in a day by a single person. But while watching it, it made me realize- wow my calorie worries are NOTHING compared to what some people have to go through. Putting stress on myself over drinking an Iced Capp is the least of the worries to the man in the show who said food was “better than sex” and that he’d rather have a carry out than a relationship! Food is meaningless when it compares with relationships, family & friends are much more important.

This man pays $28-$38 A DAY on chocolate bars! He ate a total of 36,902 calories a day which is what an average man eats in 2 weeks. This show also made me realize that I appreciate the way I look and that I am glad that I am healthy! I’m also glad that I have the ability to work out. I know what food is healthy and what is not. My body works the way it should- let’s me know when I am hungry and when I am full. To the super morbidly obese people on the show, their bodies got to a certain point that being “full” was not really an option.

One of the things that was said on the show was that these people did not realize or even think they were eating that many calories. This brings me to Chalene Johnson’s tweet from a couple days ago, "Can't lose weight but doing everything right? 80% of the time it's becuz ppl overestimate what they burn & underestimate what they eat." I think that is VERY TRUE. Most of the people were guessing they ate about 3,000-4,000 calories a day when it was actually 20,000, that’s pushing it people.

Okay so I'll be back next week to tell you how things went with me.

Here is my goal and yes I've written it down and I'm sharing it with you--

OKAY OKAY! I thought I was done with this post... but I'm not!

I found this article on Yahoo! Shine's Healthy Living section & figured I needed to share it-

User Post: Today's Meditation - Stop Criticizing Yourself
By Jane Powell -

“Be your own unconditional friend.”

Are you your own best friend?

Sadly, most women are their own worst enemy. Who needs enemies when you can consult your harshest critic anytime you glance in a mirror? Logically, we should all be our own best friend, but it often isn’t the case. We reserve our harshest criticism for ourselves.

Learn now to be gentle with yourself. You deserve special treatment simply because you are special. Who best to comfort you, but you? Who best to compliment you, but you? Learning to love yourself is the greatest gift that you can give yourself. No expensive cosmetics, no retail therapy can deliver the inner warmth of knowing that you are happy being you.

When we love ourselves, it is no longer important that our hair is not perfect or that our thighs are a little dimpled. We don’t beat ourselves up for imagined imperfections anymore. In fact, we embrace our imperfections.

Today, look in the mirror and smile. The person there will smile right back. She loves you. Love her, too.

1 comment:

  1. Hey there,

    I wrote on your thread in Beachbody but I don't think you write there that often? I seem to be the last post. Hope all is well!!
