Tuesday, January 4, 2011

How I'm Changing My Life

2011 is going to be different than any other year before. I vow NOT to make any of the same resolutions in 2012. Why? Because I plan to accomplish them all. =)

I started off the year doing a "30 Day Challenge to Master Organization and Achieve Your Goals in 2011."

What do I do?

Everyday I get an email from Chalene Johnson with a short video and a PDF "worksheet" to go along with the video. Chalene shares her own goals, to-do lists and priorities that have helped her grow her 15 year business.

Today is day 4 and so far I've already - determined my top 3 priorities & rated them in order of importance, listed 10 goals (on paper) that would be kick ass if accomplished in 2011, and picked a "push" goal that drives all other goals. And its only day 4!!

Her advice has helped me already change my life by losing 15 pounds, inches & body fat. But don't be fooled, this isn't about fitness (unless you want it to be) its about living the BEST life you can and accomplishing everything you want, whether its financial, spiritual, family, business..whatever!

Accountability partners are encouraged but not needed. There is an entire Facebook group of people looking for partners. Or look within your own circle of influence. I've shared & discussed everything with Mat and I have accountability partners as well. They all keep me on track!

Here is the link if you'd like to sign up to get the daily videos & tips -


Also, it's all FREE! :)

"It's time to live the life you want to live."
-Chalene Johnson

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