Thursday, August 6, 2009

Use your head

Easier said than done. It's common sense not to eat sweets at night (or really at all) however I still find myself doing that. Someone recently told me that I look like I can afford a treat every once and a while. Well...yes that is true. And that's what I tell myself too, "You worked out all day, you can eat this and nothing will happen to you." Yes, that's true. Nothing does happen to me. BUT...NOTHING is not what I'm looking for. I want to see some progress here people! I know that by just cutting out some of this junk, I would quickly see some results.

So...what am I going to do? First, I'm going to stop bitching. I'm already sick of listening to myself complain about myself. Second, I'm going to make some rules.

1- Allowed ONE cheat snack/meal a week. Once I've had that one, that's it! If I go over I'm going to put $5 in a jar. That $5 will go straight to my savings account and from there it's bye bye money. :( I know that my money can be used in better places, so let's not screw this up!!

2- Everyday I'm going to post what I ate using my team beachbody blog. I figured I shouldn't do it here because these posts are exported into facebook and I don't want to fill up everyone's news feeds with what I ate that day.

Next it's back to those handy dandy little post-its I leave everywhere. This time, they aren't going to be full of smiley faces either. I'M GETTING SERIOUS HERE PEOPLE!!

I'll let you know next Thursday how this week went and hopefully I didn't lose any money!!

And if you see me, ask me how I'm doing! Keep me on track. :)

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