Sunday, February 22, 2009

Go HEAVY or go HOME!

        Since my first blog was about Turbo Jam I figured I should tell you about the new program I am currently doing, called ChaLEAN Extreme. This is another program by the fabulous Chalene Johnson but the concepts are a lot different from Turbo. ChaLEAN Extreme has to do with lifting HEAVY weights. The whole theory behind this workout is MUSCLE BURNS FAT.
Currently I’m in the 2nd month (Push Phase) 2nd week. I’m not going to lie think I need to go get some heavier weight plates, I could probably be lifting a little more in certain exercises for this month. It’s just hard to keep going out and buying more weights especially because weights aren’t cheap!

I’m lucky that my loving boyfriend bought me ChaLEAN for Christmas. J I got the Deluxe package which included:

-7 DVDs- 17 workouts! And Burn Basics/Band Basics and Healthy Eats & Kitchen Makeover
-Extreme Motivation CD- which was lovely to listen to and I keep it in my car. And yes it did make me cry!
-3 sets of bands each with different resistance
-Body fat tester
-Fat Burning Food Guide book
-Muscle Burns Fat Guide book
-Thigh Toning Band
-Weighted hand gloves

When I started the first day I took my FIT test and forced my sister to take my before photos, which I really wanted to post. But of course my laptop crashed, again!, and I don’t have them anymore. L I think I’ll take some more now even though I’m already into the program because I still have a month & two weeks to go.

       When Chalene says you will be surprised at how heavy you can lift she is right. My arms/legs will be shaking but I know that I can physically lift heavier than I imagined I would be. To start off I went out a bought 10 lb free weights and a set of weights with the adjustable plates, which total 40 lbs. I also had 5 lb free weights at home already. Chalene recommends the Blowflex Select Tech weights however I just don’t have that kind of money to spend. They do look fancy though! And being able to dial up the weights you want to use looks like it would come in handy during this Push month. I hate pausing it as I adjust my plates, but I make do and can do it quickly now.
       So let me say more about the actual program. When most people think about lifting weights they think of the big guys at the gyms swinging around those heavy weights, grunting and causing a scene. Not with this program, well maybe the grunting, but with ChaLEAN each rep we go extremely slow! Slower reps = quicker results. This program consists of three phases- Burn, Push and Lean. During the Burn Phase you want to hit “failure” between 10-12 reps. For the Push phase you bump up the amount of weights you are lifting and you should “fail” between 6-8 reps, this phase is intense muscle development. For the Lean Phase you are going to work your upper body, lower body and core all at the same time with challenging moves. (Most of this is found in the Muscle Burns Fat Guidebook, which is very helpful!)
       I haven’t lost much weight, not really any. But I have gotten comments that my arms are noticeably bigger. I can tell that my arm muscles are much more defined than they’ve ever been. Watch out! But my weight loss issue is my own fault because I have not completely changed my eating habits around. In the Guide book it does say that the Lean Phase, which I will start in 2 weeks, is when the weight loss should happen. So don’t let anything discourage you.
        I have a great time doing ChaLEAN Extreme, I have pushed myself to lift heavier than I thought I would be able to and I can see results in muscles that I didn’t know would get defined. All of this I am excited for. :)

ChaLEAN Extreme & Turbo Jam are both beachbody products:

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