Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Facts behind the Shakeology 3 Day Cleanse

A week or two ago I saw on every one of my Beachbody friends facebook statuses mention of the infamous "Shakeology 3 Day Cleanse." A cleanse...which to me sounds a little intimidating and kind of scary, intrigued me because I love Shakeology. So I jumped at the chance to listen to the Shakeology Cleanse experts when they put on a Beachbody webinar all about it! I figured I'd share what I learned with all of you!

What is the Shakeology 3 Day Cleanse?
It's a 3 day calorie restrict nutrient-dense eating plan that acts like a cleanse to flush out toxins and help get your body running more efficiently.

You can use it as a JUMP START to a new program or during a recovery week. You can also use it as a PLATEAU BREAKER! Remember, this is a PERFORMANCE cleanse, so it's different from many other cleanses, like the Master Cleanse, were you aren't getting hardly any calories, no nutrients and those last anywhere from 7 to 30 days. And you should be able to maintain light exercise during the Shakeology Cleanse.

-Rid toxins
-Nutrient efficiency
-Reduce bloat/weight loss
-It will bring you hydration levels into homeostasis (which if you remember from health class is your HAPPY place!)
-Renewed engery

A lighter, cleaner and healthier YOU! :)


Here is the 3 day cleanse schedule:

All 3 days-

Start: 1 cup of green tea (no milk or anything extra in your tea!)

Breakfast: Shakeology with water, ice and OPTIONAL 1/2 cup fruit

Snack: 1 piece fruit

Lunch: Shakeology with water & ice ONLY. Followed by 1 cup green tea.

Snack: Shakeology with water & ice ONLY. (You can have this snack AFTER dinner if you want, it's up to you)

Dinner: Salad with greens, 3 servings of vegetables and 4 oz grilled white meat.

**Drink plenty of water

Potential negatives to be aware of:
-Headaches: If you are normally a caffeine drinker you might be experiencing some withdrawals.
-No weight loss: Measure your inches too!
-Lack of energy
-Light headed: modify the exercises you are doing, keep them light! if you have to add a small snack (5-10 almonds, 1/2 banana)

So who is in it with me to do a SHAKEOLOGY CLEANSE...I mean what have we got to lose but some weight! ;)

Let's see what we can do in 3 days!

I've been talking to Kathy about this and we figured we would do it on MAY 3rd, 4th and 5th that's MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY! If you want to join us, LET US KNOW! =) We are going to be relaying on each other for motivation & support, so you might as well do it with a group!

What do you need: Green tea & Shakeology. If you don't already have some Shakeology you can get it here:

If you don't have the slightest clue what the heck Shakeology is, check out my youtube video from inside my kitchen:

Questions? Let me know!

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