Saturday, March 13, 2010

Why are you exercising?

Recently someone asked me, "How long are you going to do that Turbo thing?" I of course immediately replied, "Forever!"

Then I thought about it...I don't ever see a point in my life where I wouldn't be working out. Why would I stop? It's something that I LOVE to do and I'll continue it until I possibly can not move my arms and legs, I hope to be sporting a leotard & rocking out with my walker in the old folks home! There are so many health benefits to working out, but on top of all that, it's a passion, habit and way of life.

Caterina's Reasons to Exercise (I feel like this will be a currently updated blog with more & more reasons)
-I love the why it makes me feel during & after a GREAT workout.
-I love working up a sweat and then jumping in the shower because I know that I earned it.
-I love to eat, trust me I'm Italian! So what better way to get to enjoy delicious foods then to workout to avoid putting extra calories into your body?
-Superficial alert: I love cute workout clothes & new shoes (and they aren't just for looks you have to USE them).
-I would not know what to do with myself/my time. Everyday I plan what my day will consist of, if I go a couple days without a good workout, I feel like my life is upside down. No not because I beat myself up over the guilt (even though I do feel guilty) but it's more of disrupting my pattern. I have made exercise a part of my life. I can't go back now, not even if I wanted to.
-I think it's fun! :)
-I like to feel good about my body.
-I want to live a long life.
-I know that in my family there is a big history of every kind of illness you can think of- I don't want ANY of that!!
-This one is a no brainer and I can't believe I didn't think of it sooner- I enjoy losing weight/inches! It makes me happy to see my hard work pay off.
-I like working out and hearing that other people are interested in doing the same workouts as me.
-It brings me closer to my friends! I love working out with my close friends and meeting new friends along the way on my fitness journey! :)
-I get paid to do it! ;) That's always a nice bonus.

So what about YOU? What are YOUR reasons?! Let's make a BIG list!

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