Monday, October 5, 2009

Reward Yourself

Here is the Bally Total Fitness Weight Loss Tip for the day!

"Reward yourself. You deserve it! Make a list of things you'd like to have (like a new CD, massage, shirt, or bike) and a list of places you want to go (like the theater, on a cruise or to a spa). Use these as incentives to accomplishing your goals. Note that these rewards are not food related, but will help give you the momentum you need to keep going."

I thought that was a good tip because we put so much pressure on ourselves to lose weight that we forget we are doing something good for yourself and that we need to have treats during the experience.

Here would be an example:

"If I lose 10 lbs in 2 months I will buy myself 2 new workout outfits."

Something that will keep you motivated! Something that you really want!! You could even cut out a picture of your "reward" and hang it up places to keep you on track.

And don't give in! If you give in and get it for yourself early you'll never know that rewarded feeling of doing something for yourself that you said you were going to.

You can also look at this for other areas of your life also, doesn't have to be a fitness thing. You can reward yourself when you do good in school, complete a goal on your goal list, save a certain amount of money, whatever you think is important.

SO TRY IT! What have you got to lose?!

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