Disclaimer: I don't really like the term "network marketing" personally I don't feel like it give justice to what I am doing. I am involved in ending the tread of obesity. But for the purpose of this blog post, I'll refer to it as "network marketing" because I'm not going to name any specific company.
Why I Think College Students Make Great Network Marketers
1. We rock at Facebook – come on, have you seen “The Social Network” … the power of college students! I don’t know any college student who isn’t on Facebook or at least doesn’t know what it is. So you spend your time checking your Facebook status, posting fun pictures, sharing links and keeping up-to-date with your friends/family, that’s awesome! I do the exact same stuff but I make money doing it.
2. We have time to give – I don’t know mean we have hours & hours to add into our day. No, in that sense I mean the exact opposite, we are extremely busy. What I mean is we have YEARS to give to let a foundation build. If someone told you that in 5 years you could make a six figure income, would you do it? I know I would. In 5 years I’ll be 27, that’s nothing!
3. Passion – Try and tell someone under 30 that they can’t reach their goals. What will they do? The go-getters will get in your face and prove you WRONG. Why? Because passion is flowing through their veins. When you LOVE what you are doing, you will ROCK at it.
4. Use your hobbies - I'm sure you have plenty of hobbies but they might not be right up the alley of your major/minor. I used my passion for health/fitness to do Network Marketing and I went to school for English/Jounalism.
I’m not telling you to run out and join just any Network Marketing company. Heck no! Here’s some advice if you are thinking about it:
Do your research – PLEASE! You wouldn’t go to just any college, you’d research it first. If someone wants you to give hundreds of dollars to join their business opportunity, TRIPLE check what there all about. Also, read their compensation plan. What exactly do you have to do to get paid? Know the facts before you sign up for anything. If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is, and its probably illegal.
Talk to people already involved. See what they say, what are their challenges, what are the upsides. What do they have to offer you and others.
I'm involved in my own network marketing company that is ending the thread against obesity. Its my personal passion to help others lose weight, get fit, change their lives and have amazing success stories. I can talk to you more about that if you're interested. But if your passion lies elsewhere, that's fine, just GO FOR IT!
Have a great day!
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