Saturday, April 4, 2009


Like I promised I would give an update on the fasting. I’m sorry to report, I didn’t make it. :( I was doing great when I was at home (for two of the “meals”) but once I came home from work I was light headed and needed to eat.
In the Start Guide, which comes with the formula, they talk about what could happen if you exercise well drinking this stuff, “Take things slowly and relax. Keep in mind that you won’t have a lot of fuel and stand a very good chance of “bonking” (a term that describes what happens when you run out of blood sugar while exercising).” I think that working in the restaurant on a crazy Friday night during Lent would out-do some people’s exercise regimes!
I decided not to give up though and plan to retry when school gets out, which is in a couple weeks!
I got some really good questions about the formula from Shelly so I figured I would answer them here too-

How does it taste? It tastes okay, not as delicious as a chocolate shake but not as bad as a protein shake.

Do you mix it with milk or water? Water. Three times a day (replace breakfast, lunch and dinner) you mix one scoop with 8 oz of water. Between the shakes you can drink water also.

Does it make you poop a lot? I thought it would have a lot more considering it said that it was a cleansing & detoxification product. But again I only used it to replace two meals, so I’ll be able to answer that better next time. I did notice I peed more though, but that’s from all the liquids.

Does it make you weak or does that come from not eating? Personally, I think just because I went to work on an empty stomach that I felt weak. Otherwise I feel like I would have been able to do it with no problem if I just “relaxed” at home.

Also my order from Patagonia came in! I was so excited when I saw the UPS box on my front porch!! I got two pairs of yoga pants, one zip up fleece for Mat and I, and a skirt/dress. All the clothes are form fitting and all of their clothes are made from recycled products, thumbs up! :)

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