Thursday, October 21, 2010

Why am I NOT losing weight?

here's the link if the video doesn't show:

Anti-Aging Secrets From The Dollar Store!

Dr. Oz is at it again! I remember the day when Pamela, Mat and I made fun of my mom for loving Dr. Oz…I’m following in her footsteps I guess!

How many women spend too much money on their beauty products? Here's a good article for you!

A Dermatoligst came on one of his shows & gave some great Anti-Aging products that you can get from the DOLLAR STORE!

1- Exfoliation mitts & canned pumpkin pie filling (PLAIN, not flavored!)
-Pumpkin filling contains a fruit acid which helps smooth the skin as an exfoliator!
-If you have time, let the pumpkin pie sit for a few minutes & then just scrub it off

2- Moisturizer with Vitamin C: keeps the skin from sagging
-Look for the ingredient: ASCORBIC ACID

3- Lip Plumper: maintain those kissable lips. ;)
-Read the label for Tribehenine which plumps & restores volume
-Traps the moisture

4- Ginseng Tea Bag: relaxes the muscles & limits lines
-Take the tea bag & moisten it in water (not dripping wet!) & then lay it across the crows feet area of your face & if you want on the bags under your eyes.

If you want to watch the video & see Dr. Oz put on some lip plumper, here it is:

Monday, October 18, 2010

Balancing School, Work, Family & Owning Your Own Business

I’ve gotten this question many, many times & as more and more students (and people with multiple jobs) join my team (which EXCITES me!!) I want to explain how I balanced being a full-time student, having a part-time job and owning my own online fitness business (Beachbody).

(If you aren’t a student you can still use these guidelines for work or taking care of your kids, etc.)

First thing I did was invest in a DAY PLANNER. I had to have everything in one central spot so I could easily flip through it. This eliminates the PANIC that comes from having things on many pieces of paper.

Then after the first couple days of classes I’d sit down with my syllabi and put everything into the planner:

-Midterms/Final exams

Not only did I put that information on the specific days but I’d include the TIME of each class,”ENG 270 1-2:47 – Paper 1 Due.”

The same idea went for:

-Going to work
-Teaching Turbo Kick
-After school clubs
-Hanging out with friends & family
-Workouts (which one's & when)

When it came to Beachbody I would write down SPECIFICS too!

-I would plan the TIME OF DAY when I would be working on my business
-I’d also plan what I’d be DOING.

What that means is I would make a list (on a separate sheet of paper) of where I’d spend my time:

-Facebook – what will I be doing? Expanding my network, replying to e-mails, etc.
-2 expos
-Send my weekly email
-Make a YouTube video
-Listen to the team calls (recorded or live)
-Read 15 minutes of personal development books

You get the picture.

Don’t make excuses for not getting your homework done, doing your daily reading or not working on your business. You're only hurting yourself.

I don’t always have a set schedule (other than classes), so the days CHANGE, and that’s okay, just figure it out and PLAN!

Friday, October 15, 2010

10 Most Effective Workout Videos Of All Time!

I found this list on & would you look at that 4 out of the 10 are Beachbody! ;)

Workout DVDs overrun the shelves at the store. There are DVD routines that tone abs, rear end or whole body. These videos can be an efficient workout for busy people, who don't have time to make it to the gym. With so many choices, however, it is not easy to pick the right video. With a little help, the perfect workout video can be at one's fingertips; these top 10 stand the test of time.

10 Minute Solution
This DVD allows you to choose from 5 different programs. You can either combine the five programs for a 50 minute workout, or just work on one area for a 10 minute workout.

Billy Blanks: Tae Bo Amped
Billy Blanks provides the most successful workout for burning calories. Blanks was a pioneer in the Tae Bo workout video field. His Tae Bo Amped five disk set combines Tae Kwon Do, Kickboxing and aerobics. According to Consumer Search, this video set will get your heart rate up and burn calories.

Brazil Butt Lift
Leandro Carvalho shares his secrets on sculpting the butt. Super models use this video to avoid surgery. It is effective for creating a firm rear end.

Denise Austin: Boot Camp Total Body Blast
This DVD is perfect for the time-crunched individual. According to Fitness Magazine, each workout burns approximately 350 calories. It provides three workouts in 30 minutes or less, including cardio, strength and stretching. The short sessions, in this video, are just enough time to burn fat and see results.

Insanity Challenge
This DVD provides drills, intervals and strength training in one-hour increments. Shaun T utilizes MAX Interval Training so that the participant can get an awesome body in 60 days.

Jane Fonda: The Workout
The Workout works your whole body, by combining low impact and high intensity movements. According to the Jane Fonda website, it is the highest-selling workout video of all time.

Jillian Michaels: The Complete Workout for Beginners
According to "Fitness Magazine", Jillian Michaels created the most efficient back to basics workout. This program focuses on circuit training and toning the body. The format is facilitative and easy to follow.

Richard Simmons: Sweatin' to the Oldies
Richard Simmons' video Sweatin' to the Oldies is the best video for making you sweat. The video features classic music that you can enjoy while working up a sweat.

Tony Horton's P90X
The P90X is the greatest workout for building muscle mass. It is a 90-day extreme challenge. By never allowing muscles to get used to a workout, it builds muscle. An intense and highly recommended workout to bulk up.

Turbo Jam
Turbo Jam is the most effective video for having fun. According to Beachbody, it blends cardio, kickboxing, body sculpting and dance so that you can enjoy working out.

It makes me smile to see that TURBO JAM made the list. That program changed my life! :)