Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Congress is doing P90X!

From athletes to actresses and now even CONGRESS! Everyone is doing the X!

Monday, March 22, 2010

I'm giving away a FREE P90X shirt!

^I always CHANGE the video still that youtube picks because it makes me look ridiculous but guess it didn't work yet! ER!

Contest ends NEXT MONDAY- March 29th!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Communicate to Motivate by Chalene Johnson

Words are a powerful thing. Be careful what you say and who you say it to. With a word or certain tone of voice you can lift someone up or rip them down.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Why are you exercising?

Recently someone asked me, "How long are you going to do that Turbo thing?" I of course immediately replied, "Forever!"

Then I thought about it...I don't ever see a point in my life where I wouldn't be working out. Why would I stop? It's something that I LOVE to do and I'll continue it until I possibly can not move my arms and legs, I hope to be sporting a leotard & rocking out with my walker in the old folks home! There are so many health benefits to working out, but on top of all that, it's a passion, habit and way of life.

Caterina's Reasons to Exercise (I feel like this will be a currently updated blog with more & more reasons)
-I love the why it makes me feel during & after a GREAT workout.
-I love working up a sweat and then jumping in the shower because I know that I earned it.
-I love to eat, trust me I'm Italian! So what better way to get to enjoy delicious foods then to workout to avoid putting extra calories into your body?
-Superficial alert: I love cute workout clothes & new shoes (and they aren't just for looks you have to USE them).
-I would not know what to do with myself/my time. Everyday I plan what my day will consist of, if I go a couple days without a good workout, I feel like my life is upside down. No not because I beat myself up over the guilt (even though I do feel guilty) but it's more of disrupting my pattern. I have made exercise a part of my life. I can't go back now, not even if I wanted to.
-I think it's fun! :)
-I like to feel good about my body.
-I want to live a long life.
-I know that in my family there is a big history of every kind of illness you can think of- I don't want ANY of that!!
-This one is a no brainer and I can't believe I didn't think of it sooner- I enjoy losing weight/inches! It makes me happy to see my hard work pay off.
-I like working out and hearing that other people are interested in doing the same workouts as me.
-It brings me closer to my friends! I love working out with my close friends and meeting new friends along the way on my fitness journey! :)
-I get paid to do it! ;) That's always a nice bonus.

So what about YOU? What are YOUR reasons?! Let's make a BIG list!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Extra, Extra Read All About It!

My Current Top 3 Personal Development Books

1. Goals!: How to Get Everything You Want-Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible - Brian Tracy

2. Crush It!: Why NOW Is the Time to Cash In on Your Passion- Gary Vaynerchuk

3. The Slight Edge: Secret to a Successful Life- Jeff Olson