80 Top Network Marketing Companies
"My list of the most popular network marketing companies is back and bigger than before! I had my team increase our previous list of 50 network marketing companies to include 80 of today’s most popular network marketing companies for February 2010.
In my December 2009 edition of Most Popular Network Marketing Companies, I mentioned that I would share a few criterion to consider when you or anyone you know is considering a new network marketing opportunity. My recommendations are below the list!
The criteria for making the list remains the same: each network marketing company on the list has been in business for 3+ years (no fly-by-night companies) and is well known online (based on Alexa.com’s website traffic rankings)…
1. Avon
2. Global Domains International
3. Oriflame Kosmetiek B.V.
4. Natura Cosmeticos
5. Melaleuca
6. Team Beach Body www.teambeachbody.com 13,755
7. Usana
8. Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc.
9. Amway Global/Quixtar
10. Market America
11. Mary Kay
And the list goes on and on until 80...
Now Avon was no surprise to me, that company was founded in 1886...hello they should be billionaires! Now Team Beachbody started the 41 founding coaches in 2006. I am so IMPRESSED (yet not surprised) to know that this company is ROCKING IT! I think what I am the most surprised about is the companies that I figured would be high up...aren't.
The business is simple with “The Beachbody Revolution-Turn Your Weight Loss into Profit” system . . . the breakthrough income opportunity that’s perfect for YOU!
*Earn money while losing weight and helping others do the same.
*Be your own boss, work from home, part-time or full-it’s up to you!
*Get started for only $39.95 and no inventory costs.
You ready? Let me help you!
And I'll leave you with the rest of Matt Morris' post (with some modifications from myself)-
What To Consider Before Joining a Network Marketing Company…
Products. Look for the product that gets you most excited and that’s the best product for you. The key to success in network marketing comes from keeping yourself excited and bought-in psychologically to the product you’re selling.

Leadership. I once walked away from a six-figure income solely because I lost faith in the company’s leadership. A foundation of integrity is the bedrock of success for any network marketing company. When you promote a company, that company’s reputation and integrity will be a direct reflection of your reputation and integrity.
Sales and Marketing Programs. Make absolutely sure the company you are considering has a strong sales and marketing program in place. That way, all you and your organization will have to do is use the tools (i.e. CDs, DVDs, brochures, magazines, web sites, etc.) to do the presenting for you.
(A simple tool like the video I posted above? I think so!)
Mentorship. Is there someone in the company with a track record of success in building his or her income who is also able to assist others in creating success as well? Your chances of success will sky rocket if you can work with someone who has experienced success and wants to help you become successful. Most importantly, your mentor should be someone you trust and believe in.
(The entire Platinum Presenters team, www.platinumpresenters.com A GROUP OF TEAM BEACHBODY LEADERS!)
Timing. Timing is not going to make or break your success but it’s something to consider. I’ll share more on timing following the next list of top network marketing companies.

I hope you enjoyed this month’s list of the top network marketing companies! If we left your company off (and they match the criteria I previously listed), please let me know in the comments section below.
P.S. For more information about network marketing, get your copy of The Unemployed Millionaire: http://www.MattMorris.com/book. Be sure to check out Chapter 10: The Ultimate Time-Leveraging Business!
And please please please never be shy or hesitate to ASK ME QUESTIONS. No matter what your question is, reach out to me!
Find me on facebook or on twitter!
Have a GREAT day,
Coach Caterina