Thursday, December 31, 2009

It's that time of the year again!

With the hours ticking away, now is the time when many people are making their New Year’s Resolutions. People are frantically thinking about creating a fresh start for themselves. However, year after year they continue to make the same resolutions without ever achieving any success.

When you think about the most common resolutions, what comes to mind? Losing weight/getting fit, saving money and stopping a bad habit; I can make a bet that a majority of people have at least one, if not all, of those resolutions on their mighty lists.

That same majority of people look at their wish lists all wrong, no wonder they can’t accomplish anything. If you want to achieve all of these things you are going to have to change your lifestyle but not just for a limited amount of time, you are going to have to make changes forever, don't worry they aren't huge changes, just simple small steps.

To get started, you will need to plan ahead! Many people skip this very important step. How can you get something done if you don’t have a plan of action? So create one! Take out a pen and piece of paper, yes those gadgets you used before Microsoft Word, and write down each one of your goals and at least three steps you can do every single day to get you closer to achieving that goal.

Now put in the work! It’s not going to be easy, but if you can commit, you will succeed. (Sound familiar fellow Beachbody fans- Decide. Commit. Succeed) If you want to lose weight you are going to have to plan to workout, whether at home with a DVD program, at the gym or by taking group exercise classes, or all three! You are also going to want to make small changes in your diet as well, start off by counting calories and not eating processed foods.

You want to save money? Plan ahead how much of your checks will go into your savings account each month or week. Simply putting away $50 a month will end up saving you $600 in a year. Try for a week to keep track of where your money is going. Do you notice any patterns? If your money is headed in the wrong directions, say buying a latte every morning, cut out those purchases and that will save you too! If you are buying a $4 iced coffee each morning at the end of the week you just wasted $28, money that could easily be used to help you pay off those student loans.

So as you are writing out your New Year’s Resolutions this year don’t just stop after the list is complete, add on your plan of action so that those resolutions will no longer be merely dreams and wishes but become part of your reality!

So what are a couple of my goals?
1- To become a 2 Star Diamond Coach
2- To graduate on the Dean's List in May
3- To learn Italian
4- To pay off my loans
5- Complete a round of Insanity

Plan of Action:
1- Read at least 1 personal development book a month
2- Listen to 15 minutes a day of Italian audio & learn 5 new words a day
3- Get a 4.0 this semester
4- Set aside $150 a month to pay off loans

If you'd like to share your goals with me, please feel free too! I would love to help coach you and keep you on track! :)

Sunday, December 20, 2009

How to prevent SORENESS after a tough workout

P90X® Results and Recovery

What Beachbody has to say:
"Refuel, re-energize, and reduce muscle soreness with this after-workout shake. Four parts carbs to one part protein ensures speedy muscle repair after intense workouts!

Recover faster and see better results!
Studies show that with proper nutrition during the first hour following a workout you can increase your body's ability to recover more than 100%. The key component to maximizing this "window of opportunity" is a formulation of approximately 4 parts carbohydrates to 1 part protein.

P90X Results and Recovery Formula is a state-of-the-art, great tasting, body-shaping cocktail that's guaranteed to take your workouts to the next level."

What I have to say:
When you order the Deluxe edition of INSANITY you get the P90X Results & Recovery formula. I had never drank a Recovery formula before, ever, so I was kind of nervous to give it a go, but Beachbody has yet to fail me so I went for it! After my first Insanity workout I made Mat & I our recovery drinks. The powder tastes like an Orangesicle!! Mat, who is the PICKIEST person, even loved it! I was shocked by that.

But the real shock came the next morning when I woke up and I could actually move! I wasn't in pain, which Mat and I joked about because we figured we wouldn't be able to walk the next day because Insanity kicked our butts! So from then on out I've drank my formula after each workout, it truly helps your body recovery!

The tub suggests 2 scoops, which equals 220 calories, I however just put 1 scoop in my drink, which has proven to work for me! yay!

So how much is the P90X Results & Recovery Formula & where can you get your hands on some??
Price: $43.95
Your Price: $32.96 (This is the BEACHBODY COACH price)
^^Being a Coach does have it's benefits, 25% off EVERYTHING! ;)

You can order some HERE, if you have ANY questions, please feel free to ask me!!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Caterina's Week 2 Insanity Review!

So I bought Insanity during the middle of this semester and sadly I didn't give it the attention it deserves until NOW! So here I am ready to give you a little review of what I have been through so far in just 11 days.

Before I review I should tell you what Insanity is all about for those of you who don't already know.

This is the message that comes with Insanity-

Warning: We believe this is the HARDEST WORKOUT ever put on DVD. If you can get through it, it will get you into the BEST SHAPE of your life. But you must check with your physician before starting this program.

So what do you need to know about it?
-Insanity is a 60-day cardio-based total-body conditioning program. 60 days people, that's it!! Many of the other Beachbody programs, such as P90X or Chalean Extreme, are 90 day programs. Just think of what you can accomplish in 60 days. We'll I'm ready to do it!

Month 1:
-Workout 6 days a week for about 30 to 40 minutes a day

Month 2:
-Add 4 new workouts into the mix, doing about 45 minutes a day

Just like with any other Beachbody program, you get a complete guide telling you what workouts need to be done on what day, they take out the guesswork! I love that. My Insanity calendar is hanging right next to my bed. First thing in the morning and I know what will be in store for me.

Why kind of workouts do you do in Insanity?
"The method behind this madness is called "MAX Interval Training." You may have heard of interval training, but this is different. Most interval workouts are moderate cardio-based exercises with short, high-intensity intervals. But in MAX Interval Training your moderate-intensity exercise, and your short intervals of intensity get replaced with a short period of rest. So you are working harder and longer and resting less. And when we say MAX, we mean MAX."

Now enough of the technical stuff and on to my opinions!
On day 1 you are scheduled to take your FIT TEST. There are 8 moves that you are given about a minute to see how many reps you can accomplish in that alloted time. Now every 2 weeks I will be retaking my FIT TEST. This coming up Monday will be my second one so I will post my results and see if I'm progressing!

After my first FIT TEST, I was drenched and out of breath just as if I did any other type of crazy workout! I thought, okay if this is just the test BEFORE the workout, what did I get myself into!?

The first 2 workouts I tried with Mat I thought I was going to die. Okay, maybe not die, but definitely run out of breath and fall over. But I didn't and finishing each workout I felt PROUD. I had never done anything like this before.

The warm up alone is enough to get you out of breath and dripping wet with sweat but luckily after each warm up there is about a 5 minute stretching period, which is MUCH needed! Then it's time to hit it hard, GET FIT OR GET OUT!

Yesterday after I finished the Plyometric Cardio Circuit I was talking on the phone with Pamela and I was explaining to her that I actually felt FASTER during the moves. I realized that my feet were moving quicker, my arms were pumping harder and my mind was focused. I was still about to collapse in the end and I was out of breath, but the program is doing what it says, it's improving my cardio endurance & strength and it's only been 11 days!!

And this workout requires NO EQUIPMENT yet my arms and legs are sore just as if I lifted weights because of moves like push ups, suicide jumps and power jumps! I'm going to say, so far so GREAT. I love it! During the first couple workouts I was taking frequent breaks and complaining but once I got the hang of Shaun T's style, moves and routine I LOVE it! I've even got Jola & Kathy to try Insanity with me twice, maybe I can get them to write me a review too. ;)

Here's a preview of what INSANITY has to offer:

So let's remember, If I can do this, YOU can do this too!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Down my Beachbody Memory Lane

Since I started my Beachbody Fitness Journey I have not actually taken the time to sit down and track what I have done over the, years. I feel like it was just yesterday when I stumbled upon TURBO JAM at my house, but actually it was at the end of my senior year in high school, which was in 2006. I honestly fell in LOVE with that program from the minute I tried it, I can not praise it enough or even find the right words to describe how I feel about it or Chalene. For many years, I would try and get as many people to give the workout a go with me. And thank you to everyone who has!

Now I know that people like to SEE for themselves before they'll agree the program des work. So here's some pictures and numbers:

Right before I started TURBO JAM:
April 2006
My highest:
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 144 lbs

^I guess I never really noticed that I had that pooch & my face seems much chubbier. At that time, I would not have said, "oh yeah I could lose 10 lbs" BUT I did!

Within my first 3 months of Turbo Jam, I lost 10 lbs. I was so excited!! I even made the nurse at the doctors office check to prove that I had lost weight. ;)

Over the years, I have done PLENTY of Turbo Jam's. I started off doing the Maximum Results package and then for my birthday in June I got the Fat Burning Elite package, then when the Chalene Johnson Get On The Ball! set was released after that, I bought that one too! :) I couldn't wait to try ANYTHING and EVERYTHING!

Then last Christmas in 2008, I heard they were going to release Chalean Extreme. Which was unlike anything I have ever done before. Lift weights? Me? thank you. The most I had lifted was probably 5 lbs doing Turbo Sculpt but I got my first weight plate set and was ready to get extreme! I have completed 2 90 day rounds of Chalean Extreme and can not rave enough. Who knew that I would have MUSCLES? That I would feel STRONG? Even other people have commented on how firm my body has become. YES! During CE, I did not see a big jump in weight loss but the inches were coming off! That was a pleasant surprise. I know many people judge their weight loss success entirely by the number on the scale, well if you are going to go by that then you aren't going to notice the AMAZING changes your body is making! Losing inches and body fat is MORE rewarding and beneficial then dropping pounds.

This summer, 2009:
Weight: 129/130 lbs

Currently I am doing Insanity, which is a 60 day program, I am in week 2. I also love Turbo so much that I have become a TURBO KICK instructor as well as a HIP HOP HUSTLE instructor.

If there is something you are skeptical about or you think that it's not for you, just try it!! What have you got to lose? Maybe a few pounds. ;)